Wednesday, February 1, 2017


      This is a cigarette ad for Blu E electronic cigarettes. There biggest pitch is that the smoke that comes out is 100% vapor and that it does not affect anyone around them.
      Here i will evaluate this ad with the 8 steps of advertising.

1. Determine the scenario: What happens in this frame?

In this frame of the commercial he explains facts on how he used to be a smoker for 20 years and finally there is a product that you can smoke and not have anyone harmed by the vapor around them. 
2. What is the setting? What are the conditions?

In this frame of the commercial it shows a man walking on a beach in a complete black and white filter, thats until the cigarette box is shown to the camera. The box is the only thing that is colored which makes it stand out and more appealing. 

3. Who are the people or groups?

Blu Cigs the company,  sponsored by Stephen Dorff is speaking on behalf of smokers that have a fine taste in technology and people who don't like to feel left out or neglected for their addiction when there peers are all non smokers. 
4. What is their point of view around this specific experience?

      The point of view is to not feel ashamed of being a smoker and to feel comfortable with your addiction around yourself and others. He makes you feel relaxed and less tense for smokers and non smokers. 
5. What are their goals?

    Their goal is to get you to buy this product for its great pitch, and to target non smokers to start smoking this techie gadget. For those who already smoke, this company wants them to feel more comfortable and not feel ashamed for smoking around others. 
6. What are their assumptions? What are their perceptions?

    The company assumes that people are being "Smoke Shammed" constantly in anti smoking ads and commercials, and finally in the present there is a positive out look on a new smoking Cigarette that does not affect people or give out second hand. 
7. Are there conflicts? Is there cooperation?

    As years went by there seemed to by some technical difficulties with this product. Sense it is an electric product thing will go wrong time to time. There have been cases where the cigarette as started fires, blown up and even shocked people in their pockets, purse etc... 
8. What are the outcomes? 

     They seemed to have had an amazing outcome when they first came out, but sales start to sky rocket down due to the recent incidents and the high cost of this product. 

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